Richmond Curling Club offers a variety of leagues to give everyone a chance to get on the ice and curl.
Club Leagues include:
* Men’s
* Women’s
* Mixed
* Junior
* Drop-In
* Beginner/Novice
* Stick
Curlers are encouraged to either recommend or start a new league the club currently does not offer.
Other Leagues include Commercial Leagues:
* Mixed (Can be teams of Men, Women, or a combination of genders, these teams are formed by individuals)
* Social (teams are formed by the organizers, so that curlers/players meet new individuals each year)
Monday - Ministers League - 10:00 AM
The Ministers’ Curling League invites you to join us for a fun, tactical, and competitive way to relax with a group of like-minded clergy and others with a strong church connection.
The Ministers League is many different things:
– it is a gathering of women and men who curl on Monday at the Richmond Curling Club.
– some of us are skilled, most of us are not
– all of us enjoy the exercise and good fellowship
– some of us are ministers, some are not
– we welcome theological students, friends, anyone who would find 12:45 to 2:45pm on Mondays a convenient time to curl
– we draw teams each time from those attending, so it is not essential to attend every Monday
Please join us anytime during the season.
For more information, please contact:
Dan Eagle [email protected]
League fee is paid directly to the league rep. RCC Facility Fee and CurlBC/Canada fee (if applicable) paid online. (link to be provided when registration opens)
Monday - Cash Ladder League - 7:00 PM - Open
This is an OPEN LEAGUE – any team combination of men and women are welcome to join. Mondays from 7:00-9:00pm.
Each week your team can win money! As you win, your winnings increase by moving up the ladder. As you lose, your winnings decrease as you move down the ladder.
No ties- all games play an extra end. No uniforms or sponsors required. Liberal Spare Rules
For further information please contact the Club Office [email protected]
League Rep: we are currently seeking a league representative. If you are interested (or co-share duties) please contact the club office.
Weekly Draw
Weekly draw and current standings will be posted after each week’s scores are available.
League Fees
League Fee: TBA
Prize Pool: TBA
Additional Fees
CurlBC/Curling Canada affiliation: $20 (pay only once per year per individual regardless of how many clubs/leagues a person is registered in BC)
Richmond Curling Club Facility Fee: TBA (pay only once per year per individual regardless of how many leagues a person is registered in at Richmond Curling Club)
Tuesday - Day Ladies - 9:30 AM
This is a social club league for women of all ages and skill levels. Each player signs up for an individual position, and then names are randomly drawn to form teams.
This league organizes a number of luncheons, and two bonspiels (one at Christmas time and one at the end of the season.) The themes are always fun and so is the curling!
League Rep: Shirley Schwabe- [email protected]
2024-25 League Fees
- $207.90
Additional Fees
CurlBC/Curling Canada affiliation: $20 (pay only once per year per individual regardless of how many clubs/leagues a person is registered in BC)
Richmond Curling Club Facility Fee:$50 (pay only once per year per individual regardless of how many leagues a person is registered in at Richmond Curling Club)
Tuesday - Open - 7:00 PM
- Our Tuesday Open club league allows for any team combination of genders.
- Teams are seeded into boxes (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and teams play one another in a round robin format.
- After each box has been completed, teams are able to move up or down, depending on their win-loss record.
- Points are also accumulated throughout the season to determine our aggregate banner winners at the end of the season.
- These points are also used to determine who will play in the playoffs and who will play in the 4/40 playoffs.
LEAGUE REP: NEEDED – please contact the Club
2022-23 League Fees
League Fee: TBA
Additional Fees
CurlBC/Curling Canada affiliation: $20 (pay only once per year per individual regardless of how many clubs/leagues a person is registered in BC)
Richmond Curling Club Facility Fee: TBA (pay only once per year per individual regardless of how many leagues a person is registered in at Richmond Curling Club)
Wednesday - Day Ladies - 10:00 AM
This club league is more competitive than the Tuesday Day Ladies, as individuals organize their own teams. Players of all ages and skill levels are encouraged to join this league.
This league also organizes a variety of luncheons and 2 social bonspiels (one at Christmas and one at the end of the season.)
League Rep: Shirley Schwabe- [email protected]
2022-23 League Fees
Additional Fees
CurlBC/Curling Canada affiliation: $20 (pay only once per year per individual regardless of how many clubs/leagues a person is registered in BC)
Richmond Curling Club Facility Fee: TBA (pay only once per year per individual regardless of how many leagues a person is registered in at Richmond Curling Club)
Wednesday - Masters Drop-in - 12:30 PM
This group of curlers, all aged 55 and over, come in each Wednesday at 12:30 PM to enjoy an afternoon of fun competition. Players are asked to show up early so that they can get their names and preferred positions on the list. Most of these curlers also play in the Friday Daytime Masters’ League. If you are just getting started or renewing old curling talents, this is a great place to get involved. Please view the Friday - Senior Masters league for additional info and contact details.
Wednesday Drop-In: Roy Lightfoot 604-274-1072 [email protected]
- Assisted by Dennis Matsui 604-291-2860 [email protected]
Wednesday - WorkSafe BC League - 4:30 PM - Open
The WorkSafeBC League is open to everyone! This league is perfect for an after work activity and work social. This inclusive social league is compromised of curlers of all skills and abilities from novice to World Champions and Paralympic medalists. The goal of this league is good sportsmanship and fun.
League Contact: TBC. Enquiries: [email protected]
Wednesday - Open Doubles - 7:00 PM
The Wednesday Open Doubles league runs is a half season format and run from mid September - December and January - March. This league is open to all levels of curlers.
For more information please contact [email protected]
Thursday - Airline League - 4:30 PM- Open
This social, fun league is open to curlers of all levels of experience who enjoy some good competition. Weekly prize draws and special events held at Christmas and season end add to the fun of this league. You do not have to be associated with the airlines to join in…you just want to enjoy a good game of curling!
Tom Mckay at [email protected]
Thursday - Packers League - 7:00 PM - Open
The Packers League is one of our Social Leagues, because teams are drawn at random. Individuals from beginner to experienced curlers are welcome to sign-up, indicating their preference for position (skip, third, second, lead). There are weekly prize draws, and special events that are organized by this league throughout the year.
Contact: Don Dixon email: [email protected] or phone 604-271-4849
Friday - Senior Masters - 9:30 AM
This league is made up of seniors 55 and over. Eight end games are played. Players are randomly placed on teams by the Operating Committee twice each year … firstly for the October – December period and secondly for the January – March. Our rates are very reasonable. For those players that want a little stiffer competition, curlers in this league are also eligible to make up teams of choice to play in any of the 8 Masters’ Bonspiels held on the Lower Mainland each year.
League Directors
- President: Ron Dojack 604-277-1293
- Vice President:
- Past President: Clyde Mitchell 604-818-3570
- Secretary/Treasurer: Roy Lightfoot 604-274-1072
- PCMCA Director: Clyde Mitchell 604-818-3570
- Ladies Liason: Shirley Schwabe 604-277-3410
- Draw Master: Wayne Collinge 604-275-6727
- Assisted by Dave Hill 604-271-7631
- Spare Coordinator 2021: Rick Tod [email protected] 604-833-4570
- Wednesday Drop-In: Roy Lightfoot 604-274-1072 [email protected]
- Assisted by Dennis Matsui 604-291-2860 [email protected]
- Bonspiels: Masters/Guys & Gals- Ron Dojack 604-277-1293 & Clyde Mitchell 604-818-3570
- Playdown Coordinator & Invitational Zone 3 Club Champions: Serge Roy 604-271-1438
- Raffles: Dave Hill 604-271-7631
- Good Will: TBA
- Voluteers: Ron Dojack 604-277-1293
- Wednesday Drop-In: TBA
- Friday League: TBA
- Masters Bonspiel: Nov 07-09
- Club PCMCA Playoffs: TBA
- Christmas Lunch & Awards: TBA
- PCMCA Zone Playdowns: TBA
- Guys & Dolls Bonspiel: TBA
- PCMCA Combined: TBA
- Annual General Meeting: TBA
- Final Luncheon & Awards TBA
- Invitation Zone 3 Club Winners Championships: TBA
Friday- Social - 7:00 PM
This is a fun and social league that curls every Friday night. Teams are drawn at random at the beginning of each draw, so you never know who you might curl with, but it’s a great way to meet new people and have some fun!
Paul Jalbert
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 604-214-3837
Sunday- Nisei League - 1:00 PM - Open
This league is for anyone who is of Japanese descent, or a spouse/partner of someone who is. This league is full year after year and has a family atmosphere on and off the ice.
League Contact
Ian Cockfield [email protected] (604) 708-5110
Click Here for the Nisei League Website:
Click here for the Nisei Bonspiel Page: